Thursday, 19 July 2012

Something FREE for the Weekend?


How is the weather where you are?  I think the summer has passed us by, we've got rain, rain and more rain!  All I want to do is curl up with a good book, a nice cup of tea and a big plate of chocolate biscuits.

So, for this weekend only I have decided to offer 'Heaven Knows This Time' for free!  Yes, you can download a full copy of the book and not have to pay a penny for it.

To get your free copy of the book go to:

and use the coupon


The book is available in various formats.  You don't need a Kindle to read it, you can download free software so you can read it on your PC, laptop, tablet PC or your smart phone.  

The coupon expires 23/7/2012 so hurry!

I hope you enjoy it!  If you do tell your friends, or even better write a review!  I'd love to know what you think.  Thanks!


Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Another Perfect Angel - Synopsis


I'm so busy at the moment editting and proof reading Another Perfect Angel, the sequel to Heaven Knows This Time.  I've just written a brief synopsis and posted it on the microsite blog.

It's going very well, I've designed the cover and hopefully it will be ready for release in August :)


Thursday, 5 July 2012

Coming soon: Another Perfect Angel


I've capped my fountain pen, saved the Word document and I am very pleased to announce I have finished writing the sequel to Heaven Knows This Time.  Yay!

The novel is called 'Another Perfect Angel' and it continues the story of Miles and Angel as they embark on their relationship together.  Nothing ever goes smoothly for Angel, there are a few ups, downs and major events on the rollercoaster that is her life.  There are surprises, new characters and happy events too as you get to the know the characters more intimately.

Angel is pushed to her limits, her strength is tested as she tries to hold it all together but with Miles and her unconventional family by her side she finds a way to make it through.

If you just can't wait to read it I have posted a draft of the first chapter here:

I've still got a lot of work to do, editting, proof reading and designing a cover for the book, so I'm afraid you'll have to wait a few weeks for the finished book, but in the mean time I hope you enjoy chapter 1 and I'd love to know what you think.

Oh yeah, I have been asked if there will be a 3rd book in the series (what is it about trilogies?).  I didn't have any plans for one but an idea struck me the other day.  I'm still trying to figure out the details but I've been well and truly bitten by this writing bug and I can't seem to stop!  If I do ever write the 3rd book it will be much darker, quite challenging but hopefully it will be as gripping as ever.
