Sunday, 26 August 2012

A busy week!


This week has been pretty busy.  We celebrated my daughter's 8th birthday with a visit to Yorkshire Wildlife Park.  The highlight was seeing a tiger from about 2 yards away.  It was totally amazing!

In other news I've just finished proof reading Another Perfect Angel.  Hopefully I'll make my self imposed deadline of publishing in August but in the mean time I've posted the second chapter as a taster on the Another Perfect Angel blog.

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Lora's Secret Diary


I've been working on a little side project recently - Lora's Secret Diary.  I love Lora's character and wanted to do more with her so I thought why not let her tell her own story in the form of a diary.  It starts with Lora aged 17, before she met Spyder, and it introduces Simon as he was before he met Angel.

Lora's Secret Diary

I had a lot of fun writing and I'm not finished yet.  The plan is to serialise the diary on a blog and then publish it as an eBook.

I've put the first 3 entries up on the blog and there will me more posted soon so be sure to follow it to keep update with Lora's antics!