Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Can I get that in paperback?


I've recently been asked if my books are available in paperback.  Unfortunately the answer is no, not yet.

As a self published indie author I chose to publish my novels electronically because I wanted to share them with people and not have them sitting unloved on my computer or in some literary agent's slush pile.  I don't have the budget to fund my own print run so I chose to go the eBook route because it's cost effective and it allows me to reach a global audience.

As a reader I love electronic books.  I'm very impatient and I like the fact that I can spot a book I want to read and have it on my Kindle within just a few minutes.  I admit it's not quite the same holding a real book and feeling the smooth pages between your fingers but eBooks do have the advantage of taking up no space at all in my very cluttered family home!

But what if I don't have an eBook reader?

You don't need a Kindle, Nook or Kobo eReader to read electronic novels.  If you're reading this blog then you already have the necessary equipment.  You can download a free Kindle app to use on your PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or android device.

Once you have the app you can purchase my novels from Amazon UK or Amazon.com and have them delivered direct to your device.

You can also download my novels in a variety of formats, including ePub and PDF from Smashwords and the following retailers:

I would love to be published in print someday.  I am currently looking for an agent but I haven't found the right person to represent me yet.  If you are an agent or know an agent who might be interested I'd love to hear from you!  Email me at clair@clairlouisecoult.com  In the meantime I'll just keep on writing and publishing electronically, and I hope you'll all keep reading and enjoying my stories.
