Monday, 14 January 2013

Snow and romance


Hope you all had a great Christmas and New Year.  I woke up this morning to a coating of the white stuff.  It's pretty nippy out there so I'm glad I'm cosy at my computer with hot coffee and chocolate biscuits.

I'm still putting the final touches on Being Isobel (which I hope to release very soon) but I'm also hatching a plan for a new novel.

I watched a documentary about writing a Mills and Boon book over the holidays.  It was actually my other half's idea to watch it.  It was pretty interesting and it got me thinking, could I write a Mills and Boon?

The author in the documentary struggled with the formula writing and I thought it would be a good challenge for me to give it a go.  I didn't really know very much about Mills and Boon so I started doing research, what's expected from the story, the alpha male etc.  I downloaded a few freebie novels to read, they were OK but kind of frustrating and predictable.  I did learn one thing - I cannot get my head around vampire romance!  I couldn't help but laugh at all the wrong bits *blushes*

I mentioned my idea to a few friends and they were very encouraging so once I've got Being Isobel and the third book in the Heaven Knows trilogy published I might just give it a go...

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